Faith Conquers The World – Charmaine Smith-Miles

2021-1-3 Main Sermon
I John 5:1-5, I John 2:7-14
Letter written to the whole church because divisions had risen over matters of theology – how to do church
Foundations of Faith
We are all bound by the One who created us. We are valuable and great things are expected of us.
The love that changes things.
Don’t listen to the hate. The world would have us pit ourselves against each other because of our differences. Don’t return hate for hate. No one wins when it’s all about who wins at the end of the day.
I John 2:7-14
True love is not fleeting. Love is about truth that is unshakeable. God loves us because God is love. He makes room for us and asks us to make room for each other.
Hate returned for hate – everybody loses.
A love not content with things as they are or with the easy way out.
You matter to God and so does your neighbor and your enemy.

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