Watch & Listen – Charmaine Smith-Miles

2021-3-7 Main Sermon
Exodus 34:29-35, Luke 9:28-36
In dense fog, you watch and listen. Peter, James and John are unable to sleep and stay awake to witness Jesus’ transfiguration. Witnessing God’s glory and don’t know what to do. Talk of building three dwellings – attempt to keep it there and hold it “forever.”
What would you do in the presence of the Almighty? Peter, James and John stayed alert in the mystery of it all. We are made in God’s image but He is different from us. His presence changes the lives of those touched by it.
He says to listen – “This is Son whom I have chosen.”
We are not alone in the journey to understanding of God. Death and resurrection happen every day in a Christian’s life. Jesus didn’t die on the cross for perfect people.
Who is God calling you to share in the mystery with? We are forgiven because of what happened on the mountain top, the cross and the tomb. We are not called to be the judge, jury or executioner.
We are scared of fully understanding because it means we will be changed forever in ways we do not understand or can grasp. Fear of the unknown.
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